Thursday, August 27, 2009

Shutter Bugged!

A few weeks ago my husband and I purchased a new camera. The Kodak that we are currently using seems to have developed a mind of its own lately and will simply 'close down' when its little shutters begin to get weary with the whole 'let's take another picture' thing.

After a l-e-n-g-t-h-y time spent with a young woman who seemed to know absolutely everything that there is to know about HDMI's and DPOF print settings (which by the way may not be made to transfer to non-DCF P.40 files), we made our purchase and happily, if not stunned, walked to our car.
To be honest, I was more stunned than my husband, because as our camera was being parceled into the purchase bag, and as he put his arm around me in a warm embrace, he mentioned to the young woman that this was 'my' camera (as in me). She looked at me with raised eyebrows, obviously impressed and said with much feeling, 'Congratulations!'

Apparently, I have now been designated as the photographer in the family and with it comes the responsibility of .... this!
Sure it looks innocent enough, but I have not gone near this camera in weeks! I am still taking pictures with my old Kodak, taking some sort of comfort in its odd little ways. But it is time that I stop being shutter 'bugged' and actually sit down and read the instructions. I noticed that in the manual, under Basics, it has the heading "Basic Shooting Operation - Holding The Camera"... hey, a girl has to start somewhere! Besides, I promised the Sweeter Than Chocolate girls a weekly video, and by gum, you are gonna get one (High Definition no less!)

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