Monday, May 24, 2010

Sniffle, Sniffle

This sudden shift in the weather, to cold winds and rain, has blown a cold my way... three tissue boxes worth!  I thought a full day of exercise, out in the fresh air, would rid me of my malady, but it looks like it will take another day or so until it bids me adieu, so-o-o, I've decided to take advantage of this unexpected visitor by having it join me in my Little French Sewing Room today to sew together a quilt that I've been working on - and once this cold blows off (so to speak) I'll have a completed quilt to show for time well spent.

My Monday Musing for today... give thanks in all things!
...sniffle, sniffle...


Ms.Sheila said...

Your quilt looks like it will be lovely! I hope the 'sniffles' go away soon....

Cathie said...

Thanks Sheila, I think this is a case of me not having a clue what I'm doing, but really enjoying doing it!

Something else I'm enjoying is seeing all the crochet projects that you are doing, love the little hat! Who would have thought my Christmas present of crochet lessons for Linda would have created so many wonderful things!


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