Writing, in some form or other, has always been a part of my life. I enjoy the unfolding of thoughts and the gentle rhythm of my hand as it guides my pencil across the paper. My journal is full of drawings, especially in the summer as most of my journaling is done outside. I've drawn flowers and birds, leaves, ladybugs and bees, wooden chairs and scenery.
My journal is also full of little things that have meaning to me... little flowers that my granddaughter gave me while we were spending time together in the garden... a bracelet that I made for her from the twigs that fell from the Honey Locust Tree, with a flower tucked into it's strands.
Many of the simple things of Life that bring me pleasure have also found their way, through words, onto the pages of my journal, pain and heartache have also found their expression many times through words written on its pages. Recently, something was said to me that was particularly hurtful, it doesn't really matter what it was, what is important is that I had a choice as to whether I was going to allow the words to find a place to settle within me or not. After spending time in God's Word... I chose not.
In Psalm 51:6 God tells us that he desires TRUTH in the innermost being and that in those hidden places within us he will make us know wisdom. What had been bitterly spoken to me had been a lie and it was to find no resting place within me... and God gave me the wisdom to see it. Afterwards I wrote...
"I know who I am, but much more importantly I know Who God is.
God never changes. This is a glorious truth and an aspect of Who He is. He is always the same. The circumstances of our lives and the ebb and flow of the ages change Him not; yet daily, I am in constant need of remembering who I am, and more importantly, who I am in Christ. My moods change, my circumstances change - those that I have been placed in the midst of... their moods change, their circumstances change, which have the potential of changing my mood and circumstances too... and it seems to increase in frequency as I get older! Who I am cannot be accurately determined when I am alone and unencumbered. Who I am is better understood in the midst of the complexities in all that it means to live out daily life here on planet earth... not isolated from, but right smack dab in the community of humanity... in the midst of the pressures and pleasures, restrictions and freedoms, sorrows and joys, doubts and insecurities, fears and comforts of living this thing out.
By knowing my God I realize my Anchor... The One Who holds me fast in the up and down waves of life. He never changes, He is always the same... my Healer, my Protector, Comforter, Counsellor, Mighty God, Prince of Peace. He is my Light and my Salvation, He is my Daily Bread and Living Water; He is unchanging, yet continues to change me... Lord, I am a grateful child."
I know who I am, but much more importantly I know Who God is.
with love,