Ten years ago, while undergoing my regular yearly physical, my doctor casually mentioned something about the importance of women maintaining healthy Adrenals. News to me. I didn't even know I
had an Adrenal, let alone where it might be located or that I was supposed to be keeping it healthy. Apparently, she detected my blatant ignorance because I left her office with a freshly photocopied page of Basic Adrenal Gland Information. As I made my way through the corridors to the elevator I was thinking of how little I knew of my own body.... amazing.
The basics are as follows... we all have two Adrenal Glands, each one about the size of a walnut and each one sitting atop each one of our kidneys. By the way, "ad" means "over" and "renal" means "kidneys" so... "over the kidneys", (found that one out on my own, but don't worry you won't be quizzed on this!). Apparently, the job of the Adrenals is to secrete steroid hormones such as estrogen, progesterone, testosterone and of course adrenalin, which is also a hormone, all of them essential to our overall health and vitality. The hormones secreted by the Adrenals affects the function of every tissue and organ of our body... and that includes our brain!
The function of the Adrenals is to keep our bodies reacting in a healthy and productive way to the stresses in our lives. They help our internal and external bodies cope with stress whether it be emotional or physical (such as an injury), and call to attention every single cell in our body to respond accordingly. The problem is that when the stresses in our lives are prolonged, either through improper diet, too little sleep, over indulgence, family or financial stresses (you get the idea), the Adrenals become fatigued (or even burn out) which results in a lack of the production of hormones that we so vitally need; which means that our bodies cannot respond and adapt properly to the stresses in every day life which leads to physical and mental strain, which only adds... you got it... more stress!
So how do we keep our little Kidney Sitters healthy and happy is the question. Well, here are a few things that you can begin to do over the holiday season to add to the overall health of your Adrenals...
~ Control your blood sugar through balanced meals
of proteins, fats and carbs
~ Breathe in fresh oxygen daily for 30 minutes
(go for a walk)
~ Engage in some form of exercise that you enjoy
~ Use a dry, body brush to stimulate your body skin each morning
(brush towards the heart)
~ Get at least nine hours of sleep per night
~ Stretch often
~ Find and take advantage of quiet moments throughout the day
to relax and unwind
~ Cultivate an attitude of gratitude in all things
~ Laugh daily
~ Cultivate good and healthy (in person) relationships
~ Drink water... often!
Of course, physical health is just one aspect.... spiritual health is another. Jesus said...
"Everyone that drinks of this water will thirst again; but whoever drinks of the Water that I will give him shall never thirst; but the Water that I give him will become in him a well of Water springing up to Eternal Life... If anyone is thirsty, let him come to Me and drink..."
Yes, our bodies are wonderfully made by God... taking care of them in a healthy, balanced way, with an attitude of gratitude... honours Him; but the "coming to Him and drinking of the Living Water" gives place to Him in our lives and brings us spiritual Health and Well-being.
And so... Here's To Your Health!
May you have a blessed Christmas.
with love,