Monday, January 11, 2010

Monday Musings... Inspired

I've been thinking quite a bit about Inspiration as of late.
And I've found that even the thoughts themselves have proven to be inspirational!

I find myself,
more often than not,
being inspired every day;
And in such wonderful
and unexpected ways!

I also have days when I am completely uninspired.
Days when life just seems too hard;
The pace too fast, without a place to ponder;
The world too loud, without a place for silence;
When words seem too empty,
as they swirl around me from all directions.

But somehow,
Inspiration always breaks through.

I thought it might be fun,
and just plain inspiring...
if you were to share what or perhaps who inspires you.

It has been said that 'inspiration can be compared to a fingerprint,
different for every person'.
That inspiration,
is that which moves the soul, mind and spirit.

I'll be sharing more later,
but I am looking forward to hearing your own musings about,


Angie said...

Hi Cathie,
Your call to think of things that inspire is a seed that was planted in my mind last night. I drifted off to sleep with a few things and thought these won't take long to share but my "Inspirational List" has now grown into a full blown chapter. I think that we are inspired more than we realize. I am inspired by music and it can transport me into a beautiful place, inspiring me to sing along, even to the point of thinking I am adding to the song, and if they could just hear me they would have me record it with them.

I am inspired by waterfalls, rushing rivers and streams and even love the little creek by my home that at this moment is flowing so strongly. The strength, sound and sparkle of the waters stir something in my heart. The warmth of these last few days have inspired me to start gardening. I am eagerly awaiting the return of all my feathered friends and will be inspired by their singing in all their "different" languages.

I am inspired by Takako and her unshakeable faith and courage during her journey with cancer.

As I have come to know the ladies in our bible study I have been inspired by their dedication to our study. Their excitement as they have grown in knowledge and praying for courage to share this with others...why?..because what they have studied comes from "The Inspired Word of God". Cathie, you inspire us when you share your knowledge and understanding with us.

I am often inspired by specific bible verses that seem to jump off the pages and meant just for me.

This morning, on my way to do some laundry I passed Marnie as she was sitting quietly, head bowed, and I knew she was in prayer. I usually tiptoe by her and continue with my chores but today I turned around and went back to my bedroom and did exactly the same thing and just thanked my Heavenly Father for all that He has so freely given to inspire us...daily, continually, it is ALL around us!!!

Cathie said...


Edna said...

emmmm let me see....inpsirations for me comes in many packages...people walking inspires me to "get out there" and be active, sometimes it is just a thought and sometimes it really works!!! Rainy days inspire me to bake. Windy days inspire me to hang the sheets outside to dry. Photo albums take me back in time to locked away memories and that inspires me to sometimes share those photos with friends and family. Seeing the Golden Ears inspires me to thank God for His creations. Spring growth inspires me to clean and to thanks God for His creations. Summer inpires me to BBQ. My bible study group inspires me to keep studing and discovering what God has to say. I just love those sisters!!!
But most of all God inspires me to be a better me. So that each day I will not be the same person that I was last year, last month, last week or yesterday. That each new day I will grow in my walk with Him and for Him.

Cathie said...

Wonderful! I laughed when you said that sometimes it is just a thought and other times 'it really works'... I can so relate to that!


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