Monday, January 25, 2010


In today's world,
it has become increasingly more difficult to find quiet and rest.

Our culture has become saturated with so much information,
that even when we do find quiet time,
we find our minds in a state of constant activity.

The activity of our minds on any given day is precariously teetering on 'overload'.
Our eyes and our ears are bombarded daily with a deluge of images and voices,
sights and sounds.

TV and the Internet, with the click of a button, can take us from the visual and audible horrors of the bloodiest of deaths and the most horrific carnage of hundreds of people,
to a sit-com with canned laughter, or a gardening show.

Before our minds and emotions have even been able to assimilate or sort through the depth of any one thought...
we 'click' and are taken to another.

Healthy emotions need time to assimilate and sort through what each day, each moment brings us.
All that information that we are taking in goes somewhere in us...
and it needs sorting through.

And oddly enough,
amid all that our senses take in throughout any given day,
we have an inherent need to learn how to listen...
to learn how to really be quiet,
amid all the clamour,
even the clamour of our own minds,
and truly listen.

We are created beings,
and we need to let the Creator of the Universe speak His Wisdom into us.

Ask Him...
and then be quiet.
Take the time,
and listen.

This is where Healing begins.

Be still, and know that I Am God. Psalm 46:10


WendyL said...

Good morning Cathie. 12:52 am and waiting for Cat n Frank to arrive and then the limo to the airport. It's quiet in the house as Le and Mike are both snoozing but I couldn't rest anymore. everything done?? Have I packed enuff/too much? Will my kitty survive without me??? Will we get seats together???Worry, worry.....and then I read your musings and relaxed. Peace and quiet to talk to my Creator and pass all my worries on to Him! Thank you for your thoughts and rediricting my thoughts to Him. Have a blessed week and we'll be in touch when we get back.....good night.....

Cathie said...

Wendy, you will be well on your way now, jetting high above the clouds, it blesses me to know that my sister's thoughts are those of peace and joy in her Lord!

I know that you are going to have an absolutely fabulous time in the sun and sand with your family! Milk it for all it's worth! And as far as your packing goes... it the guys were able to carry it out it wasn't too much, and if you get there and find out you left something at home... pick up a cute little replacement while you are there!

DebbieS said...

Hi CAthie,

Wow, I can't believe your great advice. Life has been so busy and I feel that there is no time and yet I keep asking God to help me and show me somehow if I am going in the right direction but I realize I have not been a good listener nor have I taken the time to let God really respond to me. Thanks so much for your thoughts!

jan said...

Hi Cathie,
Your comments really hit home with me. Lately I seem to find myself in a frenzy of activity or in a frenzy of thinking about activity and I find I feel exhausted much of the time. I think that I must try to be still and listen for Him much more often. Like Debbie said, it's difficult to hear what the Lord is saying when you aren't listening.
With love,

Angie said...

Hi Cathie,

"Be still and know that I AM GOD"

You know how I love that verse! I think I am going to write it out and put it on my fridge, mirror, and wherever I need it, because it always works for me...I even like to play it like a recording in my powerful!

My experience with my friend Barbara so beautifully makes your point Cathie. Barbara has been ill and has been in hospital since last September. Edna and I bought her a radio/cd player so she could listen to music. we thought this would be good for her but each time I visit with her she asks me to turn it to a station where she can hear God's Word spoken. It has been many years since Barbara has attended church but my visits with her now are so exciting!...because she is listening to His Words spoken out and then spending time reflecting on what she has heard. She tells me that in the "still of the night" she is in prayer and giving thanks for her life. When the therapists tell her how good she is doing, she tells them it is "because God is walking with her". What a testimony she is! This has brought me such joy that I just had to share it!

DebbieS said...

Hi Angie,

Thanks for sharing your story - it was beautiful. And yes I have often heard you say: "Be still and know that I AM GOD" but it is so strange that all of a sudden it means a lot more to me. So if you don't mind I just might copy you and paste it all over my house! The first thing God has to do is make me still - that will be my challenge but how can I not suceed with my mighty God helping me!


Margaret said...

Cathie, I Was so busy with the study and babysitting this week, I forgot to look on Pure Grace, I guess too as it use to be all together. Your words are so true, and I increasingly love to sit and be quiet. So many homes it seems have the radio or tv on all the time and we are so use to "noise" wherever we go, it is good to be quiet and let the Lord speak to us.

Edna H said...

Genesis 1:24 Creation and Psalm 46:10 came often to my mind this past week that we spent on the West Coast of Vancouver Island with friends from Winnipeg (-36 today). We spent our time in the quaint little village of Ucluelet with a population of 1800 and a 1/2 hour drive was Tofino. Several days were spent walking the endless beaches between the two villages. Off we would go, each of us on our own mission carefully scrutinizing the sand, nooks and crannies of the rock for those delightful shells that the waves and tide had left for us to find. Miles and miles of His majestic waves crashing onto the beach. Looking as far as the eye could see, little specks that got larger as we apoprached. Everyone dressed in rain gear(in case it rained), walking sticks in hand. Some with family dog, some holding hands enjoying their day, some getting excited over their beach finds. Gigantic remnants of trees tossed by the powerful waves like matchsticks that rested peacefully in clusters at the oceans edge. The sky was beautiful with sun rays trying to peak through the clouds. At times it was brilliant and sunglasses were a must. We would stay late into the afternoon when the tide threatened to cut us off from the safety of the shores.

The Wild Pacific Trail is just that....wild. The winding rainforset trails were banked on both side with ferns, unusal vegitation(only native to the West Coast) tall ceders that stretched to the sky , their limbs covered with hanging moss blankets. Every shade of green imaginable (I have often wondered how many greens there are in the world) Looking down to the rugged coastline, wave smashing and swirling against the rocks causing sprays 20 feet high. A very dangerous place to be and I was greatful to be exactly where I was...looking down on it. I found it very easy to get lost in my thoughts of God, His creation(s) and how wonderful He is.
There is a song by Brian Doerkson
.."Creation Calls" it is one of my many favorites. The some of words of his song apply directly to my time spent there.
It was easy to "be still" in those surroundings and I am greatful to have been able to do that.

Of course there was a flip side to this experience that saddened my heart.

Angie said...

Hi Edna,
Thank you for sharing your wonderful trip with us! Reading your words made me feel as though I was right there with you. I could feel how deeply you were moved by being in this most beautiful place. How true it is.. all creation points to a Creator! Thank you also for reminding me of that great song "Creation Calls"... You made my evening!

Edna H said...

Now the flip side to my wonderful experience on the West Coast. As I wondered aimlessly along the beach searching here and there for the "tresures" it didn't take me long to sadly realize something else had found its' way to the shore for those combing the beaches....remnants of man. Plastic forks, straws, bottle caps, bags and bottles. There were chunks of styrofoam, paper cups, pop abd beer cans (and I am sure broken bottles,although I did not see any)that has found their way...nestled in the beach grass, wedged in rocks and pieces of driftwood. All this along with dog waste that the owners had "forgotten" to pick up. Although this is not the first time nor will it be the last that I sadly reconize what we are doing to His earth. BUT what this has inpsired me to do is to be prepared for the next time. I intend to keep a pair of garden gloves, you know, those rubber ones, in the trunk of my car, along with extra bags but I will definately pass on by the dog waste!!!

Pansy Cottage Girl said...

Hi Cathie,
stopping by to say hello. Yes, we all need to slow down and listen. I am really needing that right now too. It has beena a terrible week.


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