I received a phone call just a few days ago letting me know that Takako is going Home.
Her two sisters have come all the way from Japan,
and in just a few short days they will escort Takako onto the plane,
and they will all fly back to Japan together.
Takako's journey Home,
is not to Japan -
her Home you see,
is where her heart is.
And this sweet woman's heart belongs
to God.
I wanted more time to put together a little book for her.
The few hours that I had was time enough.
Polished it is not.
Full of love from her sisters in Christ...
it is.
In early February,
in the Bible Study Room,
I wrote...
in the Bible Study Room,
I wrote...
Please pray for Takako.
This dear woman has just been recently told that her cancer has now spread to her brain.
Many, if not all of you girls have heard Angie speak often of Takako.
I had the joy of meeting her last July when we went to visit Angie's Auntie Jean, I remember that when I was about to take her picture, she quietly asked me, "Is my wig on straight?" I was so astonished and said, "Takako! I didn't even know that you were wearing a wig!"
She smiled the sweetest smile, which was captured in the picture above.
God's banner over this precious woman is 'Love'...
and so as we pray for God's will to be done in Takako's life,
we are praying beyond all that we ourselves could ever ask or think.
Although Takako was not able to physically join us in our weekly Bible Studies,
she has always been a much loved and important part of our group,
through Pure Grace.
There are 47 pages in this little memory book,
may it bless you Takako,
as you make your way Home.
With love,
your sisters