Delight yourself in the Lord...
and He will give you the desires of your heart."
Psalm 37:4
Isn't it just a fact that as soon as we get rid of something, there's another 'something' close behind it to takes it's place? This is true of the physical realm and also true of the spiritual realm. I can see this quite easily in my garden, especially in the spring when I begin to clear out and divide my plants. My intent may be to create space around a certain planting, but within a few weeks, if the plant hasn't taken the space over, then the weeds certainly have! Especially if I have not been tending to the soil! It's the same in our home. Remove one piece of furniture and something inevitably takes it's place. Remove old shirts from the closet, new shirts take their place. It's also true in the spiritual realm, when something gets moved out... something else is bound to be movin' in!
So here's the thing. We may take away a few things in order to have more of what we want in our lives -but is what we want in our lives, the best for our lives?
Let's face it, every one of us have desires... personal, relational, financial, whatever...; yet the Bible tells us that our hearts are deceitful. Yes, we can actually be deceived through our own hearts desires! By its very definition, 'desireable' means 'attractive'... it's a fact, there are just plain, flat out, ALOT of attractive things in the world; eye-candy, that parades before us day and night, 24/7 would definitely apply here! The word 'desire' carries with it the meaning of 'appetite or craving'. Every one of us has our own particular appetite. What trips your trigger, may not trip mine, but the principle is the same... we all have the propensity to being deceived by our own hearts desires and then... following through on them.
In Genesis, Eve was attracted to the fruit that was forbidden to her because it was a 'delight to her eyes' and because it was 'desireable' to her; so, she acted on this deception of the heart, took the fruit, ate it and proceeded to then gave some to her husband and he went right on ahead and ate it too... and all of humanity has been tainted since!
It's interesting to note that Eve already had the wisdom of God. She cou
ld have gone to God at any time and asked Him anything, but she was deceived; not only by the serpent, but by her own lust, her own appetite, her own desire, into thinking that she could and should have MORE... and besides, the MORE was attractive to her eyes.
In Genesis, Eve was attracted to the fruit that was forbidden to her because it was a 'delight to her eyes' and because it was 'desireable' to her; so, she acted on this deception of the heart, took the fruit, ate it and proceeded to then gave some to her husband and he went right on ahead and ate it too... and all of humanity has been tainted since!
It's interesting to note that Eve already had the wisdom of God. She cou
She and Adam, were both willing to do some personal 'spring cleaning', determining for themselves that they would cast 'out' the wisdom of God in order to have more of what they wanted in their lives... and they got it. Hmm-mm......
Not all of our choices in life are going to bear such weighty consequences, but I have learned that there is nothing, not one single thing that we do, that is insignificant in the spiritual realm, which also has its out-workings in the physical realm. To 'delight' ourselves in God is to be 'satisfied' with Him, and in Him. When we are satisfied in Him, then our desires are satiated in Him, and the propensity of our heart is then to only desire what He desires.
It's an awesome thing... when we truly delight and are satisfied in the Lord, in Who He is and in His ways, then His desires for us become our desires... and I ask you, what could be more delightful than that!
Cleaning house is always a good thing... let's just be careful what we throw out!
Not all of our choices in life are going to bear such weighty consequences, but I have learned that there is nothing, not one single thing that we do, that is insignificant in the spiritual realm, which also has its out-workings in the physical realm. To 'delight' ourselves in God is to be 'satisfied' with Him, and in Him. When we are satisfied in Him, then our desires are satiated in Him, and the propensity of our heart is then to only desire what He desires.
It's an awesome thing... when we truly delight and are satisfied in the Lord, in Who He is and in His ways, then His desires for us become our desires... and I ask you, what could be more delightful than that!
"...For I know that plans I have for you," declares the Lord, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you a hope and a future."
Jeremiah 29:11
Cleaning house is always a good thing... let's just be careful what we throw out!
That verse from Jeremiah is one of my favorite. Thank you for sharing, I agree with you.
Some times people just get what they want so they don't have to deal with what they need in their lives.
Hola amigas!! By the time you read this, you will probably have already seen me at Bible study... Cathie I'm praying for you and your family, hoping God will use this to draw them to Him.
We had such a good time in Mexico, and to come back and have so much to read on the blog was a blessing. Clarified several things for me, and confirmed my understanding in other areas.
Wow the marvelous works of God's hands! It was so beautiful there! It saddened me a bit to think that with all the beauty, instead of worshipping the Creator God, the Mayans created gods out of creation. The sun god, the moon goddess, the wind god... on and on it goes. My God is so much bigger!! And they killed people to appease created things. Why would the God who created life want us to destroy it? Rather, He wants us to sacrifice our lives to Him by living for Him.
We had lots of time to be still in the presence of God. Even while we engaged in activities, I was spiritually still in the knowledge of my God.
I enjoyed giving tips to housekeeping, servers and everyone. It is so little to me, but is so big to them. I really hope they were blessed. Housekeepers there only make $5 a day! There were a couple days where we doubled her income...
I must confess I didn't bring my homework. I'll do some tonight, but mostly tomorrow I come as a sponge - ready to soak up God's wisdom as passed through my sisters.
Hasta manana!!
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