I've heard it said, and I believe it to be true, that God's purpose in our lives is not to make us comfortable but rather to make us conformable. This conforming that He desires is intended to bring about the most wonderful of changes... the conforming of the human mind and heart into the image of Christ (Romans 8:29) - the character of the Son of God found evident in the children of God.
I've been thinking recently about the words that I place here, in the main room of Pure Grace, and about those of you who happen to drop by from time to time. I've also been thinking quite a bit about the topic of Women Who Show Up... for Life, and like any Biblical study that I have ever done and then taught - the lesson itself must first go deeply within me, and that's exactly what's been happening over the past few months. I would not be a woman who is showing up for Life if I was to begin 'playing to an audience' when I share my thoughts here at Pure Grace. God's Word is powerful, it is living and active and sharper than any two-edged sword, and piercing as far as the division of soul and spirit, of both joints and marrow, and able to judge the thoughts and intentions of the heart (Hebrews 4:12). It has the power to go out and accomplish all that the Lord intended it to - every single time. It is my intent to always share with others what the Lord has so graciously given to me and to not try to repackage the offering in a way that will somehow make it more palatable to all people, at all times... that would be nothing more than an exercise in absolute futility and put me in the unenviable position of being a 'people pleaser'.
Women Who Show Up... for Life, are women that have heard and received the Invitation of God. Perhaps you are just at the stage of Showing Up, or maybe you've just received the Invite to show up. Any way you look at it, one thing is certain - no matter what kind of circumstance you may find yourself in today, The Invitation of Life has been sent out - and those who receive this Invitation and show up for The Life extended by it, are changed... for Life and through Life.
Isn't it amazing that God, Who never changes - Who is the same yesterday, today and forever - is all about change... in us?