Friday, February 10, 2012

A Heart That is Full...

I've never really been big on the whole Valentine's Day thing.

When I was a young girl at school, we would make Valentine's for our classmates,
those that we had a special affection for.  
I liked the creative part of selecting the coloured paper and stretchy tissue, 
of cutting and pasting and thinking of who it would be going to.  

I also remember that we were to make a construction paper envelope, 
in the shape of a heart, 
and attach a string for a handle,
this would then be tacked to the wooden chalkboard rail,  
with our name emblazoned on the front.  
This was so that, through the week, others could fill these envelopes with their Valentines for you.
We all seemed to hold our collective breath as each day passed,
glancing at our hearts.
I don't remember ever not having a Valentines placed in mine, 
but inevitably there were those envelope hearts that were just bulging with Valentine's, 
and those that were conspicuously left vacant...
aside from the one that came from our teacher. 

Quantity always seemed to be the big prize that was valued,
as we emptied our hearts out upon our desks on the 14th of February.

As I grew older though,
I found that it was the boy that gave me one solitary red rose,
 quietly, with no other eyes watching, 
that won my heart, not the boy that produced the two dozen, 
brought to the table by the maitre de!

The boy that won my heart and I have grown up together through the years,
 our lives having beautifully intertwined into one. 
 He just has to look at me and I know I'm loved.
I just have to think of him... and I know that I am loved!
I don't need some lavish display, vacation or expensive gift,
when he takes my hand in his... 
well, my heart is full.

And there you have it, at this time in my life, through the hard and easy times,
I know the ones that truly love me... 
they show it in a thousand different ways, every day of the year. 
I don't have to hang out a construction paper heart and hope that it will be filled,
I already have a heart that is filled to the brim with the love that is given to me. 

And at this time in my life, I also know The One Who loves me... 
He shows it in a thousand different ways, every day of the year.
"... I have loved you with an everlasting love...:
Jeremiah 31:3

Yes, I am a woman who is well and truly loved...
a woman who knows that her cup, her heart, indeed "runneth over".

By the way,
Happy Valentine's Day!

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