Monday, February 27, 2012

Making Healthy Choices

I've been making my own Body Balm for years now and just finished making a new batch this morning.  As I placed it on my bathroom counter I thought about all the benefits that come with making healthy choices.

It's so important that we do everything that we can to decrease the toxic burden that is being placed daily upon our bodies.  I can be grateful now, (didn't think so at the time) that I was diagnosed with MCS (Multiple Chemical Sensitivity) over 20 years ago.  It meant that in a very short period of time, our home was cleared of potential toxins, which of course benefited me, but also my husband and children as well.

It has been estimated that by the time most people have finished their morning ritual 600 toxins have been added to their bodies... and that's before we even open our mouths to eat our breakfast, put on our clothes (drier sheets are known carcinogens) or stepped outside for the onslaught that comes our way through air borne pollutants.

I don't normally expound on this topic too much, unless I am asked, because frankly, most people really don't want to think about it!  So, I promise I won't go into detail here, however, it is important to acknowledge that the world has changed immensely since our grandparents day and that the toxic burden being placed upon our bodies has enormous and far reaching, negative effects upon our state of health and well-being.  Have you been reading the labels on your packaged foods lately?

Whichever way toxins creep into our bodies, whether they come in through the skin or lungs or stomach, at some point in time they all have to pass through the liver before they are sent on their way to our kidneys and colon to be eliminated.  The problem is... our bodies are so overloaded that this natural process is now being strained to the point where toxins are now becoming stored in our fat cells, getting locked in our livers and other organs, tissues and muscles!

I understand that it may seem overwhelming to begin making changes, but the secret is in being mindful and to make small changes wherever you can.  Begin with your personal body care and then extend out into your home.  Propylene Glycol for instance is widely used in shampoos, toothpaste, deodorants, body lotions and cosmetics to keep the products moist and the consistency smooth.  This product is primarily used in manufacturing as anti-freeze, brake fluid, coolant, de-icer and solvent and is a known toxin which has been linked to cancer, respiratory problems, allergic reactions, arrhythmia, and hypotension.  Some will adhere to the "Low Dose" theory that a little won't do you any harm, however,  I tend to lean towards the "No Dose" theory in which I recognize that if I can avoid these elements... I will!

Now you understand why I enjoy my Homemade Body Balm so much!  It does my body good!


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