Monday, April 19, 2010

In The Beginning

Good Monday morning to you!  My day is promising to be full, however, I wanted to take a few moments and offer you, such as they are, my Monday Musings.

This past weekend I spent the majority of my time in the garden. Saturday was wonderful, it simply poured with rain and there I was mucking about, dividing the hostas and irises, planting gladiola bulbs and digging out sod to enlarge the side garden... it was wonderful!  I was wet and muddy and completely in my element!

Sunday was just as enjoyable, although the weather was the complete opposite, being beautifully bright and sunny and warm!  I continued to dig and plant and plan out my garden, the grass was newly cut and the trees are beginning to show their new life in an amazing show of fresh colour, the deep russet of the Split Leaf Maples and the yellow greens of the Honey Locust.  New Beginnings are all around me... and within me.

We all have beginnings that begin somewhere, whether it's the beginning of our day, beginning a new friendship, a new resolve, a new career, a new way of life, life itself.  Sometimes our new beginnings are hidden deep within and although they have already begun, their season to bloom yet lies ahead.

Even the name of the first book of the Bible, "Genesis" comes from the Hebrew word 'bershith' meaning 'in the beginning'.  Throughout the years I have continually found comfort and direction in the first four words that begin the Bible...

"In the beginning God..."  (Genesis 1:1)

Before anything was... God Is.  All things have been created and have a definite beginning point - God.  In the words of the song of 'Maria' in The Sound of Music...

"Let's start at the very beginning
A very good place to start..."

Of course the difference is that instead of beginning with the abc's of the alphabet like the song suggests, our intent should always be to begin with The Very Beginning of all things - God Himself!  He is the Alpha (The Beginning) and the Omega (The End).  He knows the end from the beginning!  A Very Good place to start indeed!

The verse in Genesis 1:1 continues on and says...

"In the beginning God created..."

God is the Creator, not us.  When I was out in my garden this weekend, I was not creating, it was God creating through me, and it was a sweet time of reflection on the Beauty and Wonder of my Creator God, Who invites me to join Him in the joy of His Creation.

What is it that you have been trying to create?  A good life, loving and healthy relationships, a beautiful garden, a beautiful you?  Cease your striving, and know that He Is God!  Begin all things with Him and bring all things to Him, then watch as He leads you through Life, like an abundant garden, and shows you the vast and beautiful array of the unfolding of His purposes.

I encourage you to join with me and begin this day, and all days, with God... after all, He is the God of New Beginnings.

New Beginnings are all around me... and within me.

1 comment:

DebbieS said...

Hi Cathie,

It has been so long since I have commented I hope this doesn't come through twice. The first go around didn't seem to come through so I will say it again. After reading your blog today I had a wonderful reminder of how we can have a new beginning with God any time we need to. He is such a loving God and always waits patiently for us to come to Him. What a wonderful way to begin a day!


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