Monday, August 17, 2009

Summer in the Psalms - Week Twelve Reading

Hi girls, I have to tell you that I did not expect tears to begin to well up in my eyes as I made this final posting of our Summer in the Psalms Reading - but there they are nevertheless, a testament to what these past few months of intimacy with the Lord and fellowship with His people has wrought in my own heart and soul.

Whatever my own desires were for this Summer was long ago laid at the feet of our Lord, that His good and perfect will might be accomplished in each one of us. We are not the same women today, completing this series, as we were entering in. We have been changed, transformed, by the renewing of our minds, through His Word; and I believe with all my heart, that in everything that has been gleaned, God purposes to manifest into action in our daily lives, as He Himself now leads us... further still.

I have enjoyed our fellowship over these past few months, and like I said before, I have giggled, cried and just plain had a BLAST with all of you! Debbie recieved a new laptop in order to be with us during her summer travelling, MANY of you overcame tremendous computer challenges (Angie leading the way on that particular hurdle, well done!), there were lost comments that had to be patiently re-written, ANONYMOUS Cafe sisters that added an element of mystery soon to be solved (that would be Margaret!), and my favorite was the sister who commented in the Comment Cafe... "is this the Cafe? I can't seem to find it!"

And through it all, the depth of your heart for God has shown in your sheer excitement and amazement of what you have been learning each and every week, as you faithfully Gathered with your sisters to share all that was upon your heart. Many of you have voiced the realization that this Summer in the Psalms has s-t-r-e-t-c-h-e-d you, in ways that you could have never really imagined; others of you have been amazed and humbled, as these Psalms brought a much needed healing and ministering balm to your souls.
So, what better way could there possibly be than to end our Summer in the Psalms together, by raising our voices in PRAISE TO OUR GOD!

Girls, your final reading for this Summer is...
Psalms 145-150! Enjoy!

May God bless you,
and keep you
and make His face to shine upon you,
now, precious ones, and forevermore!

It has been my joy to serve you,
Your sister in Christ,


Takako said...

On the way home from the hospital(Monday,Aug.17), Angie and I were sharing the LORD's glorious work of creation including internal organs and their functions of our body. We had almost no word to express HIS awesome and amazing work but just saying, "Oh, it's just amazing, It's so wonder."

That evening I read Psalm 148. I was led to ponder on the word for a while. As I was pouring my heart into the words, I felt my heart was full of cheerful and hapiness.
And this thought came to my heart
"How wonderful and beautiful and glorious it would be to praise the LORD together with sun, moon, stars, mountains, rivers, trees, flowers, birds, beats, stormy wind, snow, clouds, young, old, and children, and everything that has breath!!
This picture reminds me of the life of St.Francis of Assisi, who called sun his brother, and moon his sister, and he praised the LORD together with all creation around him. With little birds, little flowers, gentle breeze, little streams,......
I don't know how to express my heart of irrepressible joy given by Psalm 148.
And I have been leading to praise the LORD together with my some pots of plant (a african violet, a rose, a poinsettia) on my table while eating my breakfast.
"Yes, LORD, l will praise YOU all the days of my life."

Cathie said...

"Let them praise the Name of the the LORD, for He commanded and they were created. He has also established them forever and ever;..."

Takako you have been created and established by God, forever and ever! Thank you for sharing your heart with us and ministering to us through His Word and the expression of the Holy Spirit in you. You said that you didn't know how to express your heart of irrepressible joy... you are doing just fine sweetheart! Surely God Himself DOES inhabit the praises of His people!


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